biocoenose — biocénose ou biocoenose n. f. BIOL Ensemble d êtres vivants en équilibre biologique (les effectifs de chaque espèce restant constants dans le temps). biocoenose n. f. V. biocénose … Encyclopédie Universelle
Biocoenose — Eine Biozönose (von griechisch bios = Leben u. koinós = gemeinsam) ist eine Gemeinschaft von Organismen verschiedener Arten in einem abgrenzbaren Lebensraum (Biotop) bzw. Standort. Biozönose und Biotop bilden zusammen das Ökosystem. Die Lebewesen … Deutsch Wikipedia
biocoenose — noun A living collection of life forms that are found together, interacting as a community within an ecosystem. See Also: phytocoenose, thanatocoenose … Wiktionary
biocoenose — I. noun see biocenosis II. see biocoenosis … Useful english dictionary
Biocoenosis — A biocoenosis (alternatively, biocoenose or biocenose ), termed by Karl Möbius in 1877, describes all the interacting organisms living together in a specific habitat (or biotope). Biotic community , biological community, and ecological community… … Wikipedia
List of environmental topics (E) — This is a list of environmental topics. They relate to the effect of human activity on the environment.*(E grass: see) Miscanthus (see biofuel under Uses) *E waste (electronic waste) *(E10: see) common alcohol fuel mixtures *(E15: see) common… … Wikipedia
Ökosystem — (griechisch οἶκος oikós ,Haus‘ und σύστημα sýstema ,das Zusammengestellte‘, ,das Verbundene‘) ist ein Fachbegriff der ökologischen Wissenschaften, mit dem die funktionale Wechselwirkung von Lebewesen (Biozönose) und Lebensraum (Ökotop, Biotop) in … Deutsch Wikipedia
biocenose — the balanced association of animals and plants in a biotope, a natural assemblage; strictly the animal and plant associations excluding the physical aspects of the environment and so not the same as ecosystem. Also spelled biocoenose. Also called … Dictionary of ichthyology
life assemblage — biocenose (the balanced association of animals and plants in a biotope, a natural assemblage; strictly the animal and plant associations excluding the physical aspects of the environment and so not the same as ecosystem. Also spelled biocoenose.… … Dictionary of ichthyology
thanatocoenose — noun A collection of dead life forms that are found together, having previously interacted as a community within an ecosystem. See Also: biocoenose, phytocoenose … Wiktionary