- Gastrodermis
- Gastrodermis, Gastrallager, Choanoderm ⇒ Porifera.
Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie. 2013.
Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie. 2013.
Gastrodermis — Als Gastrodermis wird die Innenhaut von Polypen und Medusen bezeichnet. Die Gastrodermis kleidet den Gastralraum (auch Gastrovaskularsystem genannt) aus, der der Verdauung und der Verteilung der Nährstoffe dient. Diese Gastrodermis (entodermal)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gastrodermis — The gastrodermis is the inner layer of cells that lines a gastrovascular cavity of Cnidarians.Zooxanthellae are unicellular yellow brown (dinoflagellate) algae which live symbiotically in the gastrodermis of reef building corals (Goreau et al.,… … Wikipedia
gastrodermis — n. [Gr. gaster, stomach; derma, skin] 1. A one cell thick lining of the digestive tract of coelenterates, ctenophors and platyhelminths. 2. Endoderm … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
gastrodermis — gastrodermal, adj. /gas troh derr mis/, n. Zool. the inner cell layer of the body of an invertebrate. [GASTRO + DERMIS] * * * … Universalium
gastrodermis — gas·tro·der·mis (gas″tro durґmis) [gastro + Gr. derma skin] the tissue lining the gut cavity of an invertebrate, which is responsible for digestion and absorption … Medical dictionary
gastrodermis — gas·tro·dermis … English syllables
gastrodermis — “+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from gastr + dermis : the lining membrane of the alimentary tract of an invertebrate used especially when the germ layer origin is obscure * * * gastrodermal, adj. /gas troh derr mis/, n. Zool. the inner cell layer… … Useful english dictionary
Cnidaria — Cnidaria Anémona de mar ( … Wikipedia Español
Hydrozoa — Hydrozoa Hidrozoo colonial (Aglaophenia) … Wikipedia Español
Cnidaria — Nesseltiere Seeanemone (Actiniaria) und Lederkoralle (Alcyonacea) Systematik Domäne … Deutsch Wikipedia